We Ain’t Gonna Give It Back


Order this album at CD Baby



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This Old Town


The Pressroom

Centralia Massacre

Ballad of Labor Law


You Must Pay the Rent

Go Down Pittston

It’s a Dirty Old Hole

We Won

Illinois Is A War Zone

500 Scabs and 500 Soldiers

Carpal Tunnel

They Locked Your Old Man Out

Don’t Come into These Woods (With Scabbin’ On Your Mind)

I’m Gonna Join the Union

The Triangle Fire

There is a Strike in South Africa Today

We Ain’t Gonna Give it Back

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9 Responses to “We Ain’t Gonna Give It Back”

  1. I’m wondering about one of your songs in particular. They locked your old man out. Is this about a strike in a rail yard? Is it possible to get the words?

  2. Richard Miller Says:

    My wife and I heard you sing at the Seattle Union Hall sometime between 94 & 96 and you sang a song about Seattle you said would come out a future album. Did it and how can we get it?

  3. J. D. Bearden Says:

    I asked my question in 2012 above and still no answer. Wow, no wonder we are still having such a hard time organizing!

  4. johnpauloconnor Says:

    We’re having a hard time organizing because I forgot to answer your question? I had not heard that analysis before. I’ll pass it on to Steve Early. In answer to your questions, the song is about a lock out at a shipyard. The lyrics are on the album, We Ain’t Gonna Give it Back. You can get the words by ordering the CD. Thanks.

  5. Chuck Puckett Says:

    Songs of our times is a classic album! It brought us to see you at a house concert in los angeles in the 90’s. Just a wonderful album!

  6. What is the street (release) date for “We Ain’t Gonna Give It Back”?

    Are you aware that CDBaby is no longer a retail outlet for music?

  7. johnpauloconnor Says:

    Hi Dennis – The most recent version of We Ain’t Gonna Give It Back (expanded) came out in September 2018. And yes, I am aware of CD Baby. I will edit my website. Thanks. John

  8. James McCormick Says:

    Now that CD Baby no longer sells CDs at retail level, where can I purchase We Ain’t Gonna Give it Back?

  9. johnpauloconnor Says:

    Sorry, this has taken so long. I missed this message. Email me at tojohnoconnor@gmail.com with your name and address and I will send you one with an invoice and how to pay. Thanks, James. John

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